Παιδιά του Ιράκ πετούν πετρες σε βρετανικά περίπολα. Αμάρα, 365 χλμ
νοτιοανατολικά της Βγδάτης, 11-06-06. REUTERS/Sala Thani
Στα εδώ ιστολόγια κάποιοι και κάποιες έχουμε την πολυτέλεια, ανάμεσα σε άλλα, να σαλιαρίζουμε. Στο Ιράκ που η φωτιά καίει τα κορμιά τόσων αθώων πολιτών, η blogger αναρωτιέται με αφοπλιστική ειλικρίνεια για την εκτέλεση του Ζαρκάουι:
How do I feel? To hell with Zarqawi (or Zayrkawi as Bush calls him). He was an American creation- he came along with them- they don't need him anymore, apparently. His influence was greatly exaggerated but he was the justification for every single family they killed through military strikes and troops. It was WMD at first, then it was Saddam, then it was Zarqawi. Who will it be now? Who will be the new excuse for killing and detaining Iraqis? Or is it that an excuse is no longer needed- they have freedom to do what they want. The slaughter in Haditha months ago proved that. "They don't need him anymore," our elderly neighbor waved the news away like he was shooing flies, "They have fifty Zarqawis in government."
So now that Zarqawi is dead, and because according to Bush and our Iraqi puppets he was behind so much of Iraq's misery- things should get better, right? The car bombs should lessen, the ethnic cleansing will come to a halt, military strikes and sieges will die down? That's what we were promised, wasn't it? That sounds good to me. Now- who do they have to kill to stop the Ministry of Interior death squads, and trigger-happy foreign troops?
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